I have to say, never thought that this would be one of my experiences in Japan. Experiencing for the first time the feeling of jealousy against a mechanical object sounds like something from a science fiction movie about the future - where all of our jobs are taken over by machines and we become null-avoid within a mechanically run world.
But it's way more simple and in the present tense kind of way. My main job at the Junior High School is stated in this simple line;
"Repeat after Miss Tara"
ahhh, the sound of those four words and I awaken from a somber silent state on the side of the classroom. I jump into action and perform the one task that I am deemed capable of performing (in monkey dancing style). All of the students repeat after me words or phrases that their Japanese Teacher produce and hold up for me to state and them to read.
"Get On"
"Get On"
"Get Off"
"Get Off"
"The bus for Odawara"
"Za bas phor Odawara"
"The train for Utsunomia"
"Za train phor Utsunomia"
"How much is the fare?"
"How much is za pphhare?"
Now it's not that I particularly enjoy this, but it's the only thing I've got right. It's my task.
Well! not so! I find out this week. They actually have CD players and CD tracks of every single lesson and word use that they could possibly need! In one of the lessons last week (and lessons following during this week), my one task has been replaced with a CD player and CD.
In that first lesson, I felt an overwhelming desire to pick the CD player up and throw it out the window for it to crash to smitherines two stories down! Or, what might even have been more direct, stand in front of the machine and start talking louder and purposefully over the American voice.
Never had I felt such jealously, and I found it difficult to keep a straight face for the rest of the lesson. My job has caused me to become jealous of a machine!!
Excellent experience. Here's a pic of my most common pose at work. yeeaa baby.
But it's way more simple and in the present tense kind of way. My main job at the Junior High School is stated in this simple line;
"Repeat after Miss Tara"
ahhh, the sound of those four words and I awaken from a somber silent state on the side of the classroom. I jump into action and perform the one task that I am deemed capable of performing (in monkey dancing style). All of the students repeat after me words or phrases that their Japanese Teacher produce and hold up for me to state and them to read.
"Get On"
"Get On"
"Get Off"
"Get Off"
"The bus for Odawara"
"Za bas phor Odawara"
"The train for Utsunomia"
"Za train phor Utsunomia"
"How much is the fare?"
"How much is za pphhare?"
Now it's not that I particularly enjoy this, but it's the only thing I've got right. It's my task.
Well! not so! I find out this week. They actually have CD players and CD tracks of every single lesson and word use that they could possibly need! In one of the lessons last week (and lessons following during this week), my one task has been replaced with a CD player and CD.
In that first lesson, I felt an overwhelming desire to pick the CD player up and throw it out the window for it to crash to smitherines two stories down! Or, what might even have been more direct, stand in front of the machine and start talking louder and purposefully over the American voice.
Never had I felt such jealously, and I found it difficult to keep a straight face for the rest of the lesson. My job has caused me to become jealous of a machine!!
Excellent experience. Here's a pic of my most common pose at work. yeeaa baby.
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